Just returned from an amazing weekend in Vegas.... by amazing, I mean amazingly expensive! Never go to Vegas on New Years unless you are loaded ( with money ) that is. But it was lots of good old fashioned fun, shared with my girlfriend Janean, who happened to have her birthday on 12-31. No wonder it was so expensive... a birthday on New Years eve? Who does that?
Janean and I enjoyed our time away in Vegas, took in some night life, watched the KA cirque de Soleil show at the MGM Grand, shopped, ate a wonderful Birthday dinner ( I know what your thinking... and she was spoiled for her birthday) But Mine is May 3rd, during the last Supercross Race of the series. Also in Vegas! Maybe I will get a return...
One of the more Memorable parts of the weekend was Robbie Maddison's world record distance jump. The event set up was top notch, and you could feel the electricity in the air ( or maybe impending doom ), live bands played, and he landed a very, very, very big jump ... twice!!
I wanted to thank my good friend Chad Parker for giving us a floor to crash on while whenever we are in town. Now I have to finish getting ready for Anaheim 1.